Speccy - наш выбор! - Анонс: Онлайн-интервью с Schafft'ом 5 декабря 2020 г. в 15:00 МСК https://t.co/j4iDlv9qOs

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One of the earliest Speccy games I played way back in 1982 not long after the computer was released. Saved me a few quid down the arcades this did! 👾👾👾

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It doesn't bode well for the C64 version, when they opt to put the Speccy screenshot on the advert. 😁 (Actually, that Speccy one doesn't look too bad .. I should check it out.)

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Loved this game on the Speccy! So addictive! 👍🦍😃

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Artist: speccysy | Derpi link: https://t.co/T2FeunrTPA

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hi, i'm bird with ears 🦩💕

(art by @/SpeccyChicken, @/BluJayMacaw)

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But there are also good dragons! For example, they give flowers! )))
My eleventh ZXArt ZXSpectrum

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I reckon you should give it another try Nick! I think everyone would enjoy seeing you complete your favourite Speccy game on a live stream! *hint* *hint* 👍❤️

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Despite the "x is better than y" arguments, I really did enjoy the variety of machines back then. I had my Atari-console friend, my Apple II friend, and my Speccy friend (as well as a few, like me, with a C64.) Also we had Apple II's at school. ..I loved seeing the games on each.

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See, now why would anyone these days even be talking about whether to play Carrier Command on the C64 or ZX Spectrum? If you want to play the best version of that, you play it on the Amiga. 😎 As for C64/Speccy comparisons, just try both versions an stick with what you prefer. 👍

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Recently, in some teaser video of an anime cartoon, an image of a character surrounded by funny creatures flashed.
My tenth ZXArt ZXSpectrum

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