Good morn... WATCH OUT!!! Dr.Toilet (pronounced Twah-Ley) is out to get you! Make sure to pick up to see this crazy guy in all his glory!

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Pencil, inks, and colors for a Divinity variant cover pitch from a few years back.

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When a master writer and artist like & team up to make your favorite comic, you sure as heck update your cosplay to fit their vision. Can’t wait for in 🤜🏾💥🤛🏻KLANG!

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Just read issue of Doctor Tomorrow. I really enjoyed it & dug it's connection to the universe at the end. It's a surprising Valiant superhero story I didn't know I REALLY wanted. Don't wait for TOMORROW, pre-order it & put this on your pull list NOW!

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Book one of Tim Seeley and Brett Booth’s new series is hitting shelves. It’s a great intro for new fans, but oldies will love that the story plays with familiar elements in new ways. Can’t wait to see what the grander plan is for some of the new characters

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XO Manowar is coming in March and he is looking great. Here is the exclusive first seen image from tonight's show. ttps://

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. has an exclusive preview of BLOODSHOT the start of a brand-new story arc by , , , , and Dave Sharpe!
See the action-packed pages here:

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Ember-1 makes her debut in the action-packed ROKU and has an early look at the new character's first appearance! Quotes from & new art here:
ROKU goes on sale 10/30!

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"I want it to be a tight action comic that people don't actually do anymore." talks to about BLOODSHOT! Read here:
The first issue goes on sale 9/25!

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Now playing: the Valiant KILLERS playlist!

Check it out here:

A superninja-worthy blend of 70s funk, classic spy music, and modern hits chosen by writer , artist , and editor ...

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Want a sneak peek at artwork from the upcoming series KILLERS? Make sure you subscribe to the Valiant Voice newsletter and keep an eye out tomorrow:

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Read the full reviews of FALLEN WORLD here:
Not in the above link is a review from , which calls the issue "simply outstanding stuff"

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And getting to work with friends like on Ninjak: Book of Death was awesome. Also one of the funnest guys to hang with at a con!

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