guess who was relistening to tst to get through work this morning :]

hearing anna again was instant serotonin and i may or may not skip to just hear her speak over and over again

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we're just echoes

listen au where they're childhood friends

7 12

i had the thought wouldn’t it be funny if my bill wasn’t a natural blonde and in my head it sounded like something bill would do

also kate for some reason makes me think of river song? im not sure what thats about but im rolling with it bc river song is cute as hell

3 11

stranger danger

cw for minor eye strain

5 10

amazing how something is really funny when you start drawing it vs where it ends up

anyway caption this with a text to Maria from bill: We lived! 😎

5 14

im writing a fic and this scene just stuck in my head like glue

3 8

oop reposted bc i made a major mistake asdfgh

enjoy a sweet happy bill

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Help families in need! Donate to TST Washington's "Diapering the Little Devils" diaper and baby supplies drive in partnership with Westside Baby.

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5 11

HAPPY HALLOWEEN ~ TST STYLE BABYYYYY ~!!!!! I hope you're day is spoopy and full of mystery!


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i've been thinking about de witt a lot and man do you think he can transform into everyone hes ever taken or do you think he can only remember one or two previous bodies

6 12

listen i reallllllly want bill and Maria to work together a lot
i want them to be BESTIES i dont care that it might not be likely

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