day 4- super power
psychokinesis is just another word for telekinesis but it still sounds cool as hell

35 184

OC ask month 42:

Fortana: *maniacal laughter from spraying everyone*
Sun-Jin: *ties the hose via telekinesis* (spray us shall you? let's see how you like this)

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Unicorns specialise in White Magic. The main ability they possess is growing the trees they use as their houses and temples. They also can levitate objects. Unlike Oleander, Unicorns prefer to use Magic only for their rituals.
Unicorn horns don't light up during telekinesis. 3⃣

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Deerfolk possess Winter Magic: summoning and controlling ice, snow and wind. Formerly they weren't considered magical species, until Winter Sprites started feeding them Golden Oats.
Reindeer antlers glow when they use Winter Magic; they don't have telekinesis ability. 2⃣

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Six, put way too much soap, in their washing machine. They used telekinesis to move it outside. Six, then started to play with her space bubble projector.

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Here's Flare she's a orphan but pretty obvious who the parents are. She has Strong pyrokinesis approximately around Blaze her self, aswell as a weaker telekinesis than silver she can hold 3 willing beings of large humanoid size or one combatant of similar size.

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telekinesis the phone and lunch combo so you can hit the j by hand

20 146

It's my sister's birthday, so I designed and drew her fursona, Ella!
A gray cat with powerful magic; Telekinesis, Earth Manipulation, and Weapon summoning.

Happy Birthday, sis!

11 50

Flare can fly with telekinesis

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Prompt 21: Superhero/superpowers!
Phil: flight (of course)
Wilbur: invisibility
Techno: immortality
Tommy: telekinesis

3 21

Depends who is open to the telewave energy. Honestly I can’t explain how it works cuz it’s not normal telekinesis or telepathy but a combination of the two? I don’t know anyone else that has the same gifts I do, that are aware of them anyway. Maybe cuz I created arts & sports?

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literally doesnt make sense that a master telekinesis user has tragic grab range

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This is Spark Skylar, he's 17 years old. Spark wields telepathy from his father and telekinesis from his mother.

17 58

Bringing this character back

Character name: Isio (star in Urhobo language)
Ability: Telekinesis
Colors and background:

4 9

Koyori is doing a dangerous experiment in Assistant-kun (it looks like). part10

It seems that Koyori-chan has learned telekinesis.

Serialized on Friday mornings.

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New adopt!, this time is a shy leopard girl with telekinesis powers, if you are interested comment, the price is 50 usd, retwitts are appreciated x3

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It's an unwise choice to shoot someone with telekinesis, but I'll comply anyways because I'm enticed by your offering.

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