I found this little gem from Vincent van Gogh which really clicked with me and I thought it would work well as a meme using some assets from my recent work😊

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Here's the new and (hopefully) improved version of SPRING, with it's cute little (and now very hairy) Red Mason Bee. This one is a female.

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My bee design is finished! I just love bees so much, and get that a lot of people are afraid, but we NEED them! (And wasps and hornets too!) Check out my Instagram post for my little origin story writeup! https://t.co/RrRmyDo1lQ

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More bee progress!!😊 The last few years I've been planting for pollinators🐝 let me know if you do too🌻

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Es día internacional de las abejas, los seres más importantes del planeta, polinizan el 75% de los cultivos, y podemos ayudarlas sembrando flores meliferas, no usando pesticidas de forma irresponsable, y evitando molestarlas y matarlas. Únete al zumbido

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It's World Bee Day, so I made some bee hotels

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