TombieOnTheTele 💚💜💖 inspired by

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putting the refs in the reply because i cant believe there's no not naked ref for tombilly lmao

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No Sketch n' Skotch tonight. Kat and I are mere hours away from entombing ourselves in a steel people-squisher for umpteen hours on our way to But join us next week as we continue our Angel for Wedge. See you then!

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My interpretation of what Tomba could look like as a HD remaster! I loved this game growing up and it still has a place in my heart!

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Jom tonton filem TOMBIRUO ni sementara masih dipawagam! Rugi tak pergi tengok yooo.. Support filem tempatan!

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Chibi Ntombi, another of 's OCs. Enjoy!

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【TW】たいへんご報告遅ればせながら…!BU納品させて頂いておりました。ありがとうございました! 『ケルベロスブレイド』(C)発注者様/Tombie/トミーウォーカー

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For some reason I really wanted to draw Tombi. :D One of my favorite games from my childhood.

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Sold in our last week for £1,500 A 19th century circular micromosaic table top, signed 'E. Tombini, 74 Piazza Si Spagra, Roma'

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Quick Tombi/Tomba! Still love this game. <3

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Accidentally deleted this one. So I'll tweet it one more time.

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how this look for a shrinky dink keychain design for the tombie?

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Unos VOTOS para Tombi de la gente más guapa de twitter!! RT please!!

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Ayer preguntaba cuántos jugastéis a Tombi y hoy os explico porqué!! PRÓXIMAMENTE EN QWERTEE!!

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