Blep Dylan and Mlem Joa!! :'''''')

33 151

Wehhhh sorry for the wait! Here are the two new pages!

26 99

Rushed 2 the ER 
5 days in patient 
4 blood transfusions Opos
2 iron infusions 
2 days rest 
3 days
2 days rest 
1 follow up appt where played on the Oncologist's radio as my bummy hit the chair lol 
The album I play every night♈♊

1 3

The pages are now finished!
(now with the right preview)

10 37

Doodle from last night trying to fight off art block

21 119

Wehhh sorry these are so late (and not even finished)!! ; ___ ; Two new pages:

18 79

I really like how Joa looks in this panel :3c
(oh shit I tagged the update tweet wrong!)

3 38

From last Sunday's Transfusions livestream. We had lots of fun again.

3 41

Transfusions livestream on in a bit!

2 26