「#ウルトラマン55周年 TSUBURAYA EXHIBITION 2021」巡回決定🎉

会期・会場等、詳細につきましては、後日、円谷ステーションならびに「TSUBURAYA EXHIBITION 2021」公式サイトにて発表させていただきます!


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Time for Sketch Sunday. I've been on a roll remaking my Ultrawoman Amia sketches from years ago.

I forgot how fun it was to make her. She's from the 70's Ultraman anime feat. Ultraman Jonias.

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Latitude Zero 緯度0大作戦
1969, dir. Ishirō Honda, sfx. Eiji Tsuburaya

Two immortal submarine captains duel for the fate of an undersea, technologically-advanced utopia.

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円谷プロのサブスク「TSUBURAYA IMAGINATION」で、『ウルトラファミリー大集合 IN すかがわ2018』の配信が始まった。これは、円谷英二の故郷・福島県須賀川市でほぼ毎年開催されてきたイベントで、カーテンコールに全ウルトラマンが登場することに特色があり、毎年趣向を凝らした内容が魅力だった。

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King Kong Escapes キングコングの逆襲
1967, dir. Ishirō Honda, sfx. Eiji Tsuburaya

An evil genius named Dr. Who creates Mechani-Kong to dig for the radioactive Element X at the North Pole. But when Mechani-Kong breaks down, Who sets his sights on the real Kong to finish the job.

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4月29日(木)TSUBURAYA EXHIBITIONスペシャルイベント内容の変更と『ウルトラマンZ』ヘビクラ ショウタ(演・青柳尊哉さん)出演の中止について

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Ebirah, Horror of the Deep ゴジラ・エビラ・モスラ 南海の大決闘
1966, dir. Jun Fukuda, sfx. Sadamasa Arikawa under supervision from Eiji Tsuburaya

Four misfits steal a boat and stumble upon an island ruled by a terrorist group who use chemicals to control a sea monster.

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The War of the Gargantuas フランケンシュタインの怪獣 サンダ対ガイラ
1966, dir. Ishirō Honda, sfx. Eiji Tsuburaya

Two creatures born from Frankenstein's monster clash in Tokyo - one gentle and kind, one ruthless and hungry.

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Mothra vs Godzilla モスラ対ゴジラ
1964, dir. Ishirō Honda, sfx. Eiji Tsuburaya

Humanity must beseech the aide of the insect-goddess Mothra to stop Godzilla's latest rampage across Japan.

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The Mysterians 地球防衛軍
1957, dir. Ishirō Honda, sfx. Eiji Tsuburaya

A rampage by the mechanical monster Moguera signals the coming of the Mysterians, alien beings desperate to marry Earth women.

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Godzilla Raids Again ゴジラの逆襲
1955, dir. Motoyoshi Oda, sfx. Eiji Tsuburaya

Japan struggles to survive Godzilla's return as he battles against his ancient foe Anguirus.

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Aujourd'hui est un grand jour pour le Tokusatsu car il marque les 50 ans de la licence Kamen Rider ! La première grosse franchise Tokusatsu de la Toei, qui voulait concurrencer Tsuburaya et son incroyable Ultraman.

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BREAKING NEWS: Takeshi Tsuruno, Ultraman Dyna's alter ego and currently singer of the Zenkaiger theme song is being censored by Tsuburaya in a case involving China. Follow the thread to understand the case.

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BREAKING NEWS: Segundo fontes, Takeshi Tsuruno, o alter ego do Ultraman Dyna e atualmente cantor do tema de Zenkaiger, está sendo censurado pela Tsuburaya em caso envolvendo a China. Segue a thread e entenda o caso.

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マーベルのアメコミウルトラマン『THE RISE OF ULTRAMAN』日本語版第1話は現在、TSUBURAYA IMAGINATIONの★無料コース★で読めます!



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