Been doing some requests for Pokémon Fusions on Facebook. Wigglytuff and Buneary, Litten and Purrloin. Gonna be making more soon.

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I had no idea she wore a in the until I saw a post from thank you for bringing that to my attention haha

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The dark skin design for the protagonist is my favorite!

6 31

Decided on my team last week. Excited to use pretty much everyone except Magnezone, since I've used it a billion times before but it rounds out my defensive type coverage...

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Only 3 days left! My team is ready!


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And my Totem daughter is now complete!
This must've taken 12 hours or so (I don't keep track of time)
I'm officially in a Pokemon mood!

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🚨Spoiler Warning!!!🚨
Our 1st Ultra Beast that can evolve into a much more powerful form which is absolutely fascinating & if I catch me a shiny I'm naming it Bumblebee🐝😏
❇Poipole [UB Adhesive][Poison]💀💉

❇Naganadel [Poison/Dragon]💉💀🐉

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🚨Spoiler Warning!!!🚨
Say hello to the brand new Mythical Pokémon: Zeraora🐱⚡💪I'm calling it now Gen.8 possibly confirmed😂it's like they looked at Ryuki & said let's just turn him into a Pokémon, nobody will notice the difference with a few changes.

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