Coco destruyó a Azulin sin siquiera tocarlo...
bueno de hecho le metio tremendo zape en la pancita jajsajs que god el Coco

150 1887

Он вышел слишком слащаво, но ладно

2 18

I dunno how to draw bears
I haven't drawn one since my HTF period
Anyway i loved the Unicorn's blood short years ago and it's really precious to see how it has grown into such an amazing thing as <3
I hate Azulin sm

17 82

I made some references of my ocs based on the style of the movie

15 209

Commander Fluffy / Pom-Pom Comic relating to my last post ✨️

150 1652

UW AU where Azulin slowly but successfully takes control of the formless being that devoured him.
he finds that time has passed and bearkind has advanced, but theyve grown weak and soft. he uses his gained power to assert dominance through new wars

22 381

AU fanart

I hope and the concept you wanted to do
I have done it correct or similar

14 203

bruh... I don't know if I like it or not

12 280

Admito q ... Fue fácil y belloO dibujar a cabo pompón 🫡 , pero ... 🖐️

14 361

needed to make fanart to this character, Coco is my favorite by far of the whole movie, maybe I will make some more fanart to him.

66 796

Ni modo , toca *aprender a dibujar* jajsjjs azulinxcoco , rezar para q me salga como los otros farnats q veo jajsj ;u;

12 179

Azulin y Gordi
¿creen que azulin odiaría su versión del cortometraje?

19 472