If an diagnosis was vaccine damage it would be called vaccine damage https://t.co/Jb4LZtC8S4 Simple. Stop fantasising.

3 2

are poison.
Disagree?Please (try) to show us the benefits! 😀👍🏻💥

2 4

Parents are NOT Conspiracy Theorists.
They're educated to

17 17

RU parent of child?🤔😧💔Find UR tribe by RT/hash tagging UR post
🔍4 it&Connect w/ warriors!😀

9 9

. HPV vaccine=deadly& ZERO proof prevents cancer.😬👀 reports.

8 9

🎈How wonderful 2 cross paths with another brave holistic human!
Cheers 2spreading truth!

11 4

. 💥SorryURintimidated by Rknowledge of medical truth.Research works!😀💪🏼❤️

3 4

WhoRUlistening24vaccine info❓
Good lord don't let itB elephant in room4💰‼️

15 12

ThankU4Cing & sharing truth!R kids=☠💉 by mandating shots.

5 8

What are we really teaching students by blindly following the now exposed corrupt CDC? 😳☠💉💥

0 0

💥Stumped on how2share truth about vaccines❓🤔Go2 🎯4 materials 2open door 2

4 3

Please Robert De Niro Bring Back. Autism Vaccines Freedom Liberty

14 3