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feel like I have to share some #crewlove with my #foreverai fam!
Here is something I started working on. Could anyone else see a small pixel mobile game working until we get to smash on that bigger planned version beforehand? I‘d burn to work on something like that! @TheEverai
@CMC_VTX @alanartdirector 2/2 …making the next phase for all of us a bigger blast as we think. the everai crew seems to be one of the strongest out in the space. this makes me want to get closer to all of you. just amazing. i wish i could be at nftnyc with you. LFG go fam!!
En Terre de Fangh, l'aventure se trouve à chaque coin de rue ou taverne, mais il arrive qu'elle finisse dans un joyeux bordel... Alors imaginez une équipe comme la notre qui se retrouve en ce lieu... Même Gzor trouverait ça abusé. #DonjondeNaheulbeuk #NexusUnited
🚨 @TheEverai Sale Alert!!! 🚨 Duo #750 bought for 0.73 ETH (1,337.93 USD) by Crypto_Pim from NFT_CROISSANT #4Everai 💠 https://t.co/qWcUsWBS3p
Bought my Duo last week and for sure one of the best art around by style and proportion, so I made this to mark new Web3 identity, will be my pfp for a while...
#4Everai #everaifolloweverai
🚨 @TheEverai Sale Alert!!! 🚨 🔥💠🔥💠🔥💠 Duo #490 bought for 3.50 ETH (6,276.06 USD) by 0xc540b6 from DoubleR_757 #4Everai 💠 https://t.co/asnxJyjWdt
🚨 @TheEverai Sale Alert!!! 🚨 Duo #815 bought for 0.62 ETH (1,126.28 USD) by 0x8733a0 from 0xfa2bea #4Everai 💠 https://t.co/w4BwARkRQv
🚨 @TheEverai Sale Alert!!! 🚨 Duo #2028 bought for 0.50 ETH (866.12 USD) by 0x1ec950 from TeddyBomber #4Everai 💠 https://t.co/sst1EaGjGG
I just can't stop making fan art for @TheEverai... Hecking cool design and concept!!
Thank you @madrasterize for introducing this awesomeness to me :D
🚨 @TheEverai Sale Alert!!! 🚨 Duo #3584 bought for 0.50 ETH (931.28 USD) by QPointillart from Kwanzaa-Bot #4Everai 💠 https://t.co/BNQUtJhlHd
🚨 @TheEverai Sale Alert!!! 🚨 Duo #3251 bought for 0.24 ETH (459.12 USD) by darknight90129 from MindGoblinDN #4Everai 💠 https://t.co/vRHNLKgKdr
This week, these two #EVERAIDUO come to enlarge the family
A team of 10 💠🦾💠 @TheEverai
Fr: Je lance quelques slots pour un art sur la base de @/arcadec0re
Félins et Canin Only (je ne sais pas si j'arriverais à faire d'autres espèces mais je peux tenter)
Le prix est de 7€ , je refais vraiment toute la colo dans mon style + modification du Line ❤️
Dm me
2. MPD-PSYCHO, en 24 tomes. Seinen mélangeant enquête et surnaturel. Le dernier tome de la série est paru en 2018. La série n’est plus en vente. Je ne sais pas si elle arriverait à trouver son public, quand on sait que sa parution fut compliquée et pas très suivie. À voir…🤔
Малък цитат Държавният суверенитѐт (на френски: souveraineté – „върховна власт“) е неотчуждаемо юридическо качество на независима държава, символизиращо нейната политическо-правна самостоятелност, висша отговорност и ценност като първичен субект на международното право.
Everaaaaiii crew where u at for the 3rd time #everai #4Everai @TheEverai!!!
I feel like I’ve just won the lottery!!! Thank you @CMC_VTX for this amazing prize! We have something so so special @TheEverai and you are such a humble, kind human! I can’t believe I own a City of Wonders 🔥💠🦾 #4everai