Battle the Spectral Jellyfish in /Lowtide to get the (Rare) AC-Tagged Water Avatar's Gifts III!

3 Weapons

25 101

Vector Maestros, Subscription Stream. This week: Adobe Illustrator on the iPad Pro, Project Reviews

Every Tuesday
5pm EST

2 6

where you at?
Free to Join the Sketching and Drawing Discord!

Art goes where the Artist takes it.

0 4

Battle Aqua Familiar in /Hiddendepths to get the (Rare) AC-Tagged Water Avatar's Gifts II!

4 Weapons

35 145

Battle the Pirate Captain in /Blazebeard to get the (Rare) AC-Tagged Pirate Captain Twig Pet!

28 102

This is one of my most recent drawings in addition to others that I will upload these days of the month. / este uno de mis dibujos mas reciente además de otros que iré subiendo en estos días del mes. 🎨

2 4

Battle Nightmare in /Deadmoor to get the (Seasonal) AC-Tagged Chilean Independence Gear!

4 Armors and 10 Helms

12 55

Battle the Meanest Girl in /Extracredit to get the (Seasonal) AC-Tagged Synthetics Set!

19 71

Battle Queen of Hope in /Celestialarenad to get the (Rare) AC-Tagged Arch Lich Set!

1 Armor, 1 Weapon, 1 Pet, 1 Helm, and 4 Capes

50 254