“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”- Marcus Aurelius
illustrated by celebrity


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A little bird told me...
he wanted to fly...
and SOAR with his sisters
in the sky...
And so, when the night
was magical and bright
we saw the flamingos...
a rainbow in flight - Suzy Davies


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The colours of the people,
the colours of the sky -
everyone is ONE
when we spread our wings,
and FLY!


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"At night, Luna dreamed of her mum's magical stories about a wide, wide world beyond the garden. Piggies dipped their snouts in cool mud and foraged for roots in this special, secret place known as The Wet Wild Woods."


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"Oh, it was such a magic night -
the stars, the moon were shining bright -
and The Owl and The Pig at the Silvery Lake
saw magical moonbeams their MAGIC make!"


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