Soo many ponies with Wonderbolt hoodies it's to adorable!!

((shout out to and plus my OC Switch ^^

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Star Beats
-Piano player
-Vampire that doesn't harm innocents
-Wonderbolt reserve
-Part-time weather pegasus
-Needs sunglasses in daylight, it protects her eyes
-Loves her friends

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Une nouvelle génération de wonderbolts en formation

Par UniHoshi-to-Darkpen :

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one i dug out and finished off. I think i started this like 2 years ago? neh, this is mainly coz Denz started paying Fallout 76 again. Kremvh's Tooth is my fave weapon, I also like the idea of Stormy finding an old Wonderbolts flight suit instead of have a Vault suit.

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(An aside: Tragically, Fire Streak largely never made it to this stage in development, and some Wonderbolts' flanks were strategically disguised in shots, implying–to me–that they did not have cutie marks developed.)

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For years I've opted to produce both a suited and unsuited variation of a uniformed Wonderbolt. In the past, this was as simple as removing the goggles, accents on the uniform, and changing color codes.

Before Rainbow Falls, one didn't need to change Soarin's cutie mark either.

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(( Now for , , & for my Wonderbolts Future story version of Rainbow Dash you think suits her and why? Just type the number 1, 2 or 3 with a reason you chose it. Thanks. ))

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"E-EEP!! Baaahahaha! O-okay! There is n-no WAY that all the Wonderbolts have to endure t-this to get accepted right!? Eeeheehe!! O-of all the places for endurance training...d-did it have to be my feeheheheet!? W-wait...i-is she licking them?"

(Art by the stunning )

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Determined wonderbolt.

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oh look it's everyone's favorite wonderbolts trio! spitfire, soarin, and uhhhhhh *rolls dice to determine which random non-entity of a character will fill the obligatory third wonderbolt slot for today* misty fly!

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Even the Wonderbolts need nights off every so often. Poor Soarin' isn't doing too hot though.
Artwork is by InuHoshi, find them below!

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One determined Wonderbolt coming up!

... Here we have the illustration of Rainbow Dash, as well as the link to the DeviantArt post! 🌈⚡️

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"She *really* wants to see it, she's just busy training with the Wonderbolts this week."

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Wonderbolt Thunderlane

This was initially drawn once he became an official member back at S7 and I couldn't be prouder. It was another moment for BG characters, specifically male BG characters, to essentially step up and gain a foothold in having a feature in an episode.

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