The name WOOKIE comes from Lucas's sci-fi film THX 1138. In it, actor Terry McGovern played a voice on a radio. One his lines was "I think I ran over a Wookiee." He came up with the word in honor of his friend, Bill Wookey, and apparently the name stuck in Lucas's mind.

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S1 E2:
The Force must be strong with this lad.
Plus - great to see Wookiees on Kessel again (is this pre-Solo?) but cripes it really is very Disney isn’t it?

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Darren Tan’s art is amazing! From the Star Wars Expanded Universe: Confederate Alliance forces led by the Jedi in their Stealth-X fighters & Wookiees in their Owool Interceptors defend Kashyyyk from Darth Caedus & his Republic forces led by the Star Destroyer Anakin Solo.

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New avatar. I call this the "Lockdown-Wookiee" look 😃

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will you see this? probably not. but i have to say THANK YOU. when you said today that fitzroy was asexual? i almost cried. as it was, i got all giggly and jumped up and down. representation means so much and i owe you a wookiee life debt

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I cosplay a Wookiee jedi named Ipo and a Devaronian scoundrel named Buenevei Gridondt! I also have starwars OCs like my Togruta order 66 survivor, Ohaso Zaa! I also like to make StarWars dolls and I own Ipo's and Ohaso's lightsabers!

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Fir, Wookiee martial artist
Riyo Scion, pantoran investigator
Cleaver, wookiee retired pit fighter
Rell, human force adherent vigilante
And on the next comment,
Cassius Telcontar, clawdite assassin

All done by the fantastic for our FFG StarWars game!

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More of my favorite characters, New Jedi Order edition. Jaina Solo, my favorite of all the Skywalker/Solo offspring and a major badass. Mara Jade, Luke's eventual wife and also a major Badass. Kyle Katarn, the original Cowboy Jedi, and Lowbacca, Wookiee Jedi (Nuff Said)

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DID YOU KNOW? KASHYYYK was also known as Wookiee Planet C, Edean, G5-623 or Wookiee World and was located in the Mid Rim planet.

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Starring Boris Karloff as a Wookiee. Boris Karloff was a master at portraying creatures in classic films. What if he was cast as a Wookiee in Star Wars? I think he would look something like this. 😊

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Watching TCW put me in a Clone Wars-era mood, so here’s some happy Jedi content!
My Jedisona/StarWars-sona Syd’Onii, and her padawan Bonbon, the floofiest Wookiee in existence, whose design is based on a Chow Chow dog.

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‘Seriously though, where the hell were you during the droid attack on the Wookiees?’

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2011 - Shyriiwook Localization - Wookiee translation would be added to the game. Play Esseles, romance Risha, or follow the noble path of the Jedi while speaking Wookiee.

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My three-year-old daughter, who has never seen a single thing in the Star Wars universe, LOVES wookiees.


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