Soft tantalizing petals
Of the perfect flower
Giving peace and calmness
Over life’s ongoing agony
Hope brings a mind’s eye Yuzu.

2 15

The beat of the wind crescendos ,the flower dip and sway The music rushes around Increasing the velocity of her dancing Coral,Malachite.

1 11

Because of urticaria allergy, was seriously controlled diet~really miss mango ice 😭😭. Yuzu,紅柚,Vanilla Bean

2 17

Oh, this beauty with for my eyes to see I cannot keep them for only me with friends true I shall share. and next year bring to them this joy I find in a purple world with hues of purple and fragile love.

3 17

When everything I
should be doing, I'm not doing.
Because I'm afraid to get started.
I always think entering the vortex

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And in these dreary dreadful Days from January ,That possessed me to paint Is leaving me I know not how or why But with everyday that passes it feels as if the fire is burning itself out. Coral

5 30

Peacock, oh peacock,
What beautiful feathers you have,
Turquoise blue,
Malachite green,
Coral orange , Black Pearl and
Amethyst purple ~
Open your tail,
Like a fabulous gigantic fan.

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I think that everyone one time or another has had dark days. Black Pearl.

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YaChingStyle jewelry ink- Turquoise 🤗🤗

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Hibiscus flower ~~~ feminine energy also a symbol of beauty and charm. Pearl.

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Ice lemonade for Summertime Vanilla Bean, Truffle

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