yeesh i really need to work on my perspective 💔 anyways take this screenshot redraw

20 70

MY BABIES ♡ csm 2.0 pins have arrived! yeesh, red picks up so strong on camera .. lol! but yay, im haaaaapy!

8 34

because it's been what - a year?! yeesh!! 🍦

0 20

yeesh i remember making a mech out of nowhere from a group five years ago, with LOTS of mech references that really challenged me, then ended up unused after group died two months after...

wonder if i can make one again, re-do this or something when motivations kicks me again...

4 9

2021 || 2020

Yeesh, I don't know what to say,0, anyways-- Kirawus my beloved <333

39 162

The Sequel to the first one. And home to my favorite lil Mon. It actually has a rather Dark side to the story. Both figuratively, and Literally. But for real. A battle against enslavement and control? Yeesh. Kids sure as hell won't understand it. But adults will definitely see it

0 0

looking through my youtube comment history and...


1 4

ah yeesh, I know what's coming here due to Hanako route

0 2

yeesh! christmas sure is around the corner already ain't it!? >~<

2 20

Yeesh buster! It’s not his birthday YET! You’re supposed to save him a slice of cake on the 24th! Ayiyi….guess you could call this an early bday gift for ! Love you little buddy, with all my heart <3

Spectacular art done by

57 306

finally life it getting back to normal, finally I get get back to work on my commissions, YEESH

0 17

Day 11 of !

It's not like has bad stats or anything.. it's more like, she's bui-lt in a way to constantly be turned in to somebody's fleshlight, one way or another.

She's also super vulnerable to ailments.. yeesh!

92 344

yeesh so glad school had a break. anyways. art

13 84

Helping my parents clean thier dining room today. Yeesh, my mom has too many old plates. I've washed more plates today, than when I worked as a dishwasher.

0 3

"Yeesh kid, yer killin me.."
One step closer to the fun stuff

2 10

hastily done portrait for an NPC named Yeesha, or as I like to call her: our darling pizza rat elf.

70 1012