[comment and rt pls??]

- The biggest wedding in town! -

hey 5unders get ur juice 😼😼 anyways i really like this tbhhh :D
[2nd pic is for cropping]

23 99

How do I get on ? Please I need more yiptwt mutuals i love Fundy very much and I really like to draw him. If u see this and are a part if yiptwt pls follow me I’ll follow back, thank you. I offer art and banger tweets

0 5


11 106

requests from tonights stream! thank you to everybody who joined i will definitely be doing this more often :)

36 308

working on something so here's a little fundy in the mean time!!

51 310

heres some messy stuff from like 6am last night!! will probably delete this cause im not proud of em but just to have something here :) will be making more art asap!!!! tysm

6 24

Anyways. He’s my comfort streamer.

10 112

Hello yiptwt, i cant draw cats

4 21

COGCHAMP!!! i've rlly loved fundy and ranboos machines!! :))

rts appreciated!!!

[#fundyfanart ]

70 447

Hey yiptwt this is bad but what you think

3 12

since yiptwt joked about how we’ll prob never see fundy in anything other than superdry and merch, i went for a more ‘realistic’ fit lol

10 52


((#fundy untag when replying))

1 10

Pspspspspsps look i have long hair fundy pspspsps also look-

33 229