Happy Birthday Adelheid Bernstein 🎉🎊


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Una cosa pequeña por el cumpleaños de Adelheid, y también aprovechando que fue el de Rugal unos días atrás. 🥳🎂🎁👨‍👦

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Para hacer un trabajo tan feo mejor no hubiera hecho nada verdad?
Bueno, le sigo debiendo uno mejor uwu
Merecemos una buena dakimakura de Adelheid que está todo hermoso 💕

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Leo Putz - Evening Sun, Adelheid, 1927

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"Habt Dank, euer Leben lang!
Die Hexerei ist nun vorbei;
nun singen und springen wir froh und frei!
Kommt, Kinderlein, zum Ringelreihn
reicht alle euch die Handchen fein!"
Libretto: Adelheid Wette
Humperdinck, Hansel & Gretel

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Adelheid von Bergstrasse

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Morgana and Oz featuring Adelheid and Rory
3 vampires and 1 witch

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For the guy who asked about having Adelheidis in more outfits. I got chu, I did this awhile ago. But, I'll think about what else I can put her in for the future

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What's this? A crossover episode? Look at my OCs being absolute cinnamon rolls. From left to right: Rinaboo, Adelheid, Beta & Karma

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Different from his father, Rugal, Adel is a honorable fighter who shows respect towards his opponents.

He cooperates with Heidern to stop Those from the Past plans in the Ash Saga and wants punishment against who manipulated his sister.

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もう一つ、お待たせしました。Adelheidさんより ( ) リク頂きました、ワートリのハイレインでーす。

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ハイジの本名はアーデルハイド(Adelheid)だとか。ハイジは末尾の -heid からきた愛称💡


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