I won first place in AFK Arena 2nd Anniversary x Pixiv contest ! (SD design category) Actually my first time getting a first prize in a contest lmao, Thankyou AFKarena Japan and Pixiv team !


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Thane is terribly intolerant of alcohol. Just a couple of glasses of wine is enough for him to lose all self-control and turn into a sensitive tangle of nerves that wants to either hide and not get out for ages, or climb to hug...

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I have a little bit of motivation, and I’m using it to draw fanarts. Respen is one of my favorite heroes in AFK Arena, I spent so much diamonds, scrolls (no $) and finally got him when he first premiered.

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A continuation of the AU in which Baden and Thane both run Rayne Manor. Thane can be quite reserved and collected... but when it comes to his husband, he's willing to play a little~

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Какие детали. Мне не верится, что я это нарисовала

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Pippa from who attempted to try one of them... magical transformations from an ancient tome of weeb-ing. She forgot to carry the 9 and solve for X.

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I attempted Art after how long?
I really wanted to try and draw some AFK Arena heroes, Starting with Lorsan the Wind Whisperer (Mehira doesn’t count she’s still in WIP and it took me 2 days to finish Lorsan)

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Our GM is the best 👑❤️ Thank you so much Ranger for carrying our guild and spending many sleepless hours getting everyone help, you are the best carry!

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«Two of us. A dozen of them. It’s almost a fair fight»

Basically a little "what if..." to the idea of ​​what would have happened if Baden had survived that battle.

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