Alka Low-Tooth, Orc Warrior (dressed for a night on the town, cause why not? XD)


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I'm honestly looking out for the next one cause I *really* wanna see what you might do with my OC, Alka! Female Orc Warrior, THAT DUAL WIELDS GREATSWORDS! XD

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pongan sus oc q kiero dibujarlos
pongo a estos 3 bichos para q elijan, ustedes diganme con cual quieren q los mezcle u3u
solo digan 1,2 o 3, no hay problema JAJAJAJ
aunq x las dudas sus nombres son ( x orden )
Abrel, Albi y Alka <3


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summer pockets やってました。


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サマポケRBのALKAで、無印にはなかったしろはと主人公のキスシーンってここでやってたんですね ここでイチャついてたと思うとなんかちょっとムッと来ますね おはようございます

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Any movie can be a Christmas movie if you watch it as a tradition, so I think Die Hard is a Christmas movie for a lot of people, but not for me, personally.

Anyway, here's my kobold/dragon, Alka!

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I don't have a full ref sheet, but this is my kobold/dragon, Alka!

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Tentacle Tuesday
Don't summon what you can't eat with mayonnaise
Alka Seltzer is after not before
Some seduction may be required
Before the the oven dance phase
Art by KrakenKatz

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en realidad la llevan todos menos alka (que se me paso también), la cosa es que están ocultas, la de farfa no se nota por que la tapa el aura de criss y la de conter por que no se le nota mucho

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bad ending, no podre hacer uno para el team rich y posiblemente mañana se publique el dibujo, recien voy a terminar de pintar a alka, aunque los demas son "faciles",solo les dejo a este alka mamalon

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Please......... Aya/Strange Klug in Puyo Tetris 2, please..........
Inspired to draw Alka (belongs to . ) and my Otti, our Aya designs with their own body.

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~>Alka Mara Luiza!

Finalmente o último Alka da coleção MJ foi lançado. Um que vcs cobraram feito loucos.

Quer o seu? só pedir na Dm!

Esse em especial vai para a própria Mara Luiza, como o meu presente (atrasado 1 ano sksk)

❤️e🔃 ajudam mto <3

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Lila in the Dregen Tamer AU

Cause my online homies in the discord I’m in be making so many good aus with our ninjasonas

Lila is a traveling craftsman where she saved dragoon Alka from a broken bond owner and saved Flint Blue and it’s her bonded soul partner (that makes sense)

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1部最後の曲は「Summer Pockets ~ALKA~」と題してサマポケメドレーをやります。OPテーマから結構めずらしめ?な楽曲まで色々演奏しますので、鳥白島の夏を過ごした鍵っ子のみなさんにも、さしずめ俺は……な気分になってもらえると思います!(?)

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Love your art style! Alka's hair does go in front of his ears, too

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Aya/Alka with Sig...and Sig meeting the new girl (lol...)

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