piccola chicca etimologica su questa serie:

Il nome della citta thailandese in cui si svolge la prima stagione si chiama Roanapur, plausibilmente dal Prakrito roaṇapura 𑀭𑁄𑀅𑀡𑀧𑀼𑀭 "città dei pianti" (Sanscrito: rodanapura), chiara allusione all'Inferno dantesco >>

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If MIT cant engineer me a fully funtional phallus than wHATS THE POINT

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Finnaly got this piece! This one is special, a collab with 🔥🔥🔥
You can see allusive traits to Grand Theft Auto games, and it's not by chance! The Fear city artist is the legendary Rockstar senior artist 🤩

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Not really as long as it's kept to the level of allusion. Especially in Japan where they're more lax with copyright. Loads of references in Pokemon already. Nidoking has pretty much been a purple Baragon this whole time for example.

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I absolutely love the way Britt (Green Hornet) makes fun of Batman's costume. And the way they communicate with allusions, they obviously know each other's secret identities.
They look like ex-lovers.

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Für den 12.12. wurde nicht nur ein Türchen geöffnet sondern auch ein Padoru Art verlost & es ging an
(Das Auslosungsvideo ist unten als Kommentar.)

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Pokemon Professor Vallus Hey:
with another of his the although I am Fellow in

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The image finds further parallels in the region's archaeological record:

The Urfa-Yeni Mahalle sculpture (a.k.a. for instance seems to wear similar clothing or a "collar" of sorts. And the cavity in his crotch area could well have fitted a separate phallus.

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Annonce de la figurine 1/1 Merry Goods x Reverse Studio de「Mushroom Girl Series - Phallus Indusiatus」.

※Plus d’informations prochainement.

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“It is to the extent that the father becomes her ego-ideal that the girl’s recognition that she doesn’t have the phallus occurs. This is good for her – whereas for the boy it would be an absolutely disastrous outcome, as it sometimes is.” JL


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Some more character portrait illustrations I did recently:
- Alexsandr Kallus (Star Wars Rebels)
- Talissia ('s OC)
- Vearra (OC of a friend over on Tumblr)

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Y'all do like taking care of me. 🥰
Made by Callus the Traveller

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Artoria Pendragon

Surely I’ve run out of King Arthur facts by now? Well I haven’t. Don’t worry.

Historians believe that Arthur’s dog, Cavall, was originally a horse thanks to a scribal error. They note that ‘Caballus’ means ‘horse’ in Latin, very close to ‘Cavall’.

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is that time of the year again!!

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Still, some liverworts with a thallus do have a cuticle (for example the Marchantia and Plagiochasma genuses). Similarly to vascular plants, they’re composed of fatty acids and esters in the 20-28 carbon chain length, assembled by "LTPs" (lipid transfer proteins, see below)

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Gallus: Zzzzz

Unikitty: Oh boy, Gallus is sleepwalking again.

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Vielen Dank, für den wundervollen Stream heute und euren zuckersüßen Worten! 🌿💕
Ich freue mich schon richtig auf meinen Rebrand! ❤️

Wir haben heute die süße und die zauberhafte gezeichnet!~ ✨

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