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behind the scenes of lotbw doujin production ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ (coz I can't draw anatomy well)

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finally a huge backlog finished after a while! (really proud and confident now with my style and anatomy huhuh and attention to details too!

(im getting a lot of coms now that peeps want their own lil cebbies ahahha)

thanks for the patience and support!
@/ Tinyillusionist

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finally a huge backlog finished after a while! (really proud and confident now with my style and anatomy huhuh and attention to details too!

thanks for the patience and support!
@/ Tinyillusionist

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Artist! Kalau kalian bikin challange pribadi milih mana?

Praktek Praktek
Anatomy lekuk baju

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Reupload of some anatomy studys I did because I like women with curvy butts and wide hips.

Featuring 2B! from the
Soulcali- Granblu- Nikk- Final Fant- Punishing Grey Rave- Rainbow Six Si-

Hmm... >_>

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Day 24 of 31
little pecs anatomia

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In case you're wondering why I haven't posted in a while, is because I'm a massive procrastinator. And because I want my works to be anatomically perfect, or plausible at least.

Like the head and shoulder below:

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So about dragon anatomy...

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what even is anatomy?

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I want to play DTIYS again, but I'm terribly afraid that most of my OCs might become an armour drawing test or anatomy test😭

but here's an idea! choose whether Perlweiss or Ebenholz, and you may draw any kind of wear on them ,including armour or spicysome!

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Tab art! baru maka belajar anatomi tangan sambil mewing (nge-grind)

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I did great anatomy on it

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I owe Toriyama a huge favor for improving my anatomy from back in the day. His artstyle was super fun to draw as and I built upon it into what it currently is.

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Practising drawing male anatomy while letting gigachad Himmel shine like the bright star he is🌟. The fact that Frieren didn't make a single move on this man for over 53 years is beyond me.😵

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Art! Sender nyoba sketch dari angle agak ke bawah. Kira-kira anatominya (terutama torso, kaki dan tangan) sudah pas atau belum ya? :"D Mohon sarannya.

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More of the doodling and warming up stuff today, it was a struggle trying to get any anatomy looking passable...

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Pagi, Artist! Semalem nawarin para mutual untuk digambarin OC-nya, kinda clean sketch aja si, hehe. Mau belajar anatomi dan ekspresi ceunah, tp hasilnya ga ekspresif2 amat🚶🏻🚶🏻

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A sketch of Rouge I did while is was trying to figure out how to stylize her anatomy. I’m aiming for thicc & toony. I like this but it’s not there yet

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