Sbnrny mau ngubah kuncirannya mz jg, kaya anko atau kiyosumi gini

Tp pas aku coba entah akunya yg goblok gabisa gambarnya atau emg kurang pas diliat2 agak ga cocok akhirny gjd

0 0

Anko Uguisu x John Constantine

4 10

now I want to draw Anko in various John Constantine poses

10 83

Dibujo de Anko Uguisu de Yofukashi no Uta 🚬

69 778

I liked the fact that they changed the filter when Anko appeared in this scene.

Call of the night gave me monogatari vibes today, and especially in total this part was done very well

3 24

I would gladly have se-🤣 with her...

No kidding, I would gladly get beaten up by Anko🫶🏻❤️

2 12

doodle of my human popsicley that was inspired by anko's actual design of her

5 47

anko meets her former mentor

0 1

встреча с научруком

5 10

cafe anko新メニュー考え中〜🍃

3 49