Accidentally went all out for the 21st theme of Music!
Well, when an aardvark hits LVL 7 and its INT stats are high enough, it evolves into an 𝑨𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒗𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒐𝒔𝒐; THAT'S why it has these tusks, this is totally more than just an creative liberty!

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Day 21: Music. Kaffir is using a modified hydrophone as headphones to hear/feel their mix. It's only mono, but it allows them to feel the music directly as vibrations. Their chest pulses with every bass beat. (Thanks to and for the idea!)

4 21

Day 20: Unlucky - Who was the buttmunch that placed that hole-y hazmat suit back? Oh, it was him... Serves him right for endangering others to a sluggy fate due to his own ignorance and laziness!

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prompts 19-20: Lucky, unlucky
Are you moderate-to-severely dissatisfied with the eyes you have? Ask your doctor about Eyeroll (randoculothizomab). Side effects may include an even more dissatisfying eye arrangement, lightheadedness, tingling in the extremities...

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(2/2) - Unlucky
Nope .... I guess there is just trash there :/
Be careful there

4 17

(1/2) - Lucky
Hey all the stuff I have stored in my fluff is very messy
I can find all sort of stuff there ,like good shiny stuff ...

3 21

Day 17 - Friendship

I heard that hands don't lie. You know what else doesn't lie? tails.

Also, tail handholding, don't know I needed that.

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A lovely day of has arrived day 17, Friendship! Friendships between people with different body schemas can be incredibly fun, as there's so many interactions to be had! Hug your friends with whatever appendage you choose and have fun!

Art by lorddirk

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It’s been a taur-tastic so far! While I haven’t been able to keep up with Here’s Liara by , a sketch by Cervelet with Juniper in it, and earlier this month: Juni shopping by me, and the four Taurs of New Zealand by me!

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Day 14 - Aquatic

Thing is I love the aquatic types but I don't feel I'm doing it justice here. Like- I feel I could do better but- I can't be overdoing it either.

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- Technology
"woah this thing can help to reach higher places but it's small :0"
Llama doesn't know what is technology

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day 14: 「Aquatic」 🐢

I feel like God's design team rolled a d100 to choose a random animal to give the trait "can breathe out of their butt" and it landed on 'turtle' and everyone was like "turtle? will that animal really deliver the joke?....ok"

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Day 12 - Transformation

Something else I love and yet never draw. I'm doing it only once here, one moment in one TF. All the possibilities! The moment before the TF and after the TF uncaptured!

Perhaps I'll be able to work TF on another day or do more for myself.

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prompt 13: Academics
Remember those school pageants about nutrition, where all the kids had to dress up as foods, and get their moms to make the costumes, and if mom was lucky her kid wouldn't wait till the night before the pageant to tell her about it?

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- academics
"In today's lesson
I'll show ya how bend your neck and how be very fluffy"

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Day 12: Transformation
3. Earlier this month I showcased 's lemurilla sorcerer Larrath. Here is a comic showing his imprisoned spirit possessing an unwitting farmer's body.
Art is by

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Day 12: Transformation
8. In this case, we have some pics from the superhero comic The Astounding Wolf Man. The comic doesn't really focus on TF shots so the 1st pic is the most detailed TF we get. I just really like the design of the werewolves in this series.

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12) TF
It's not the process of TF that I love, but the freedom that comes from limitless forms. I'm adore morphological diversity and transhumanism, and TF is a wonderful way to explore it. Please enjoy a few examples of me in other shapes~
(F2U bases: samalamb on DA)

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Some pictures to accompany the transformation that Count Butler goes through after devouring a mythical animal king's horns. The 4th pic is fan art done by TakaTaka on FA.

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