La lecture fait de nous tous des immigrants. Elle nous éloigne de chez nous, mais plus important encore, elle nous trouve partout.

Aimer et être aimé.... 💞

7 30

Good evening my dear friends 🤗! Let's read 📚😉
"Reading makes immigrants of us all. It takes us away from home, but more important, it finds homes for us everywhere.”
Love and be loved💞
Just sold 🎉🎊, very grateful to the art collector from US 😀👍!

67 152

Good morning my dear friends ☕☀️👒!
"Love is colorful. It’s powerful and strong. Love is every emotion on the spectrum, and that’s why it’s so hard to describe😉
Love and be loved💞
Sold tonight 🎊🎉, very grateful to the art collectors from Germany and US 🤗👍!

58 143

Good night my friends 🍷🤗 "Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup.All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle"
My drawing "Sip of wine"
Available in my Artfinder store

70 197

Good morning my dear friends☀️☕👒! Have a nice, sunny day 🤗🌸! Rise and shine!
" Warm summer sun, shine kindly here, warm southern wind, blow softly here"
Love and be loved.💞
My new drawing "Summer!"
Available in my Artfinder store 😉

28 100

Tu es le soleil de ma journée, le vent dans mon ciel, les vagues dans mon océan et le battement de mon cœur.

Aimer et être aimé.... 💞

Splashes of the sea

6 26

Happy Friday my dear friends ☕🌹👒🍓! Have a little fun 😉
"You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart"
My new drawing "Splashes of the sea "
Available in my Artfinder store

53 171

Good morning my dear friends ☕❤️📚🌹! Be kind to yourself today 🤗!
"Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive"
Love and be loved.💞
My new drawing "My pleasant things"
Available in my Artfinder store

43 138

Good night my dear friends 🤗😇!
"Perhaps love is like a resting place, a shelter from the storm. It exists to give you comfort, it is there to keep you warm, and in those times of trouble when you are most alone..
My new drawing "Cutie by a mirror"

32 105

La femme sauvage est une étincelle de vie inexplicable, si vous en avez rencontré une, accrochez-vous à elle, elle vous permettra d'entrer dans son chaos mais elle vous montrera également sa magie.

Aimer et être aimé.... 💞

Wild girl

2 21

Happy Weekend my dear friends 😉👒🍦☀️! Be safe, smile and in love!
"Wild woman are an unexplainable spark of life, If you have met one, hold on to her, she'll allow you into her chaos but she'll also show you her magic.”
My new drawing "Wild girl"
# cowgirls

59 181

Good night my dear friends. "Not only tea, gloves, blanket are warm. Everything is warm — talk, views, books, people, dreams. This that special feeling which gives us strength to live, trust, dream, to love"
Just sold 🎊, very grateful to the art collector from UK!

58 148

Happy Weekend my dear friends 🤗🌼☕☀️! Be safe, smile and in love 💕!
"Love is doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes ride worthwhile"
Just sold 🎉, very grateful to the art collectors from Canada and US 😉🎆, thank you 🤗!

74 215

Good night and sweet dreams my dear friends 😇🤗😉! Keep warm and love!
"Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart"
Love and be loved.💞
Just sold 🎉🎆, very grateful to the art collector from Canada, thank you 🤗!

55 127

Tu me manques d'une manière que même les mots ne peuvent comprendre. Pourtant tu n'es pas là.
Car quand le vent froid soufflera, je fermerai les yeux calmement, sachant que je suis ancré à toi.

Aimer et être aimé.... 💞


3 22

Happy Friday my dear friends 🤗🎉🍷!
"I miss you in ways that not even words can understand. Yet you are not here. For when the cold winds blow, I will close my eyes calmly, knowing I am anchored to you"
My drawing "Hey"
Available in my Artfinder store

64 186

Sunny morning my dear friends ☕🤗😜☀️!
"How amazing is it to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head"
Love and be loved💞
Sold tonight 🎉🎊, very grateful to the art collector from US 😜!

49 136

Good Monday my dear friends 😉☕🌹🎈🤗☀️! Be safe and smile!
"I wait for you like a lonely house, till you will see my again and live in me. Till then my windows ache"
Love and be loved.💞
My new drawing "Expectation"
Available in my Artfinder store

58 158

Happy Sunday my dear friends 🤗💚☕📕😉!
"Cherish every season of life; for without coldness, there is no comfort in warmth, and without darker days, there is no joy in light"
My new drawing "Warmth"
Available in my Artfinder store

65 136

Lettre d'amour....
C'est une chose des plus merveilleuses à recevoir.
Je me rends compte que cela me fait un cadeau de ta vie, pas seulement de ton amour.

Aimer et être aimé.... 💞

Your letter

5 16