BMR 64 I keep making the crown too big. It’s more like a tiara than a crown. I’m not gonna go back and fix where it’s too big but also I need to try and not draw it so big. It looks dumb!!!

4 102

BMR 63. This makes more sense if you’ve played DS so I’ll just say the undead asylum is a thing and you start the game by breaking out of it. It’s not...a place undead go if they’re bad it’s just the place the living put the undead because theyre gross and don’t wanna be near em.

4 105

BMR 51 he’s fine :)

9 115

BMR 49 back in action baby

6 120

BMR 44 I could explain my reasoning here but I’ll leave it at Crowley has a much higher insight than Aziraphale, so he takes much more psychic damage.

14 230