New improved site. Mobile, chat feature beware. Ghosts only. You never know what kind of foul bollocks we'll say.

4 7

しつこくすみません!とらさんにようやっとサンプル反映されたようなので宜しくお願いいたしますー!Never Mind the Bollocks! さんから

33 72

""""""""local"""""""" sheriff hires outsider mercenary to help deal with Cthulhu bollocks, shenanigans ensue

0 3

beallucas, m.n: bollocks. (“bay-all-loo-kas”) Image:

108 147

Here, have some warm up elf bollocks.

0 2

A man who can kick the Man of steel in the bollocks deserves a 2nd season!

56 38

An ideal man (aside from talking bollocks).

1 2

Alphabiotics, bioharmonics, transubstantiation and a lot of bollocks:

1 0