Here's a preview of one of the works in our section! Created by the lovely Deedeh over @

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Another belated birthday surprise from Cat to Sarah ! It’s gothic-style Bughead as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask ✍️ belated happy birthday again, Sarah! 🖤

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Let's go swimming will Betty and Jughead, shall we?

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Commission for the lovely dollihaze on instagram! I've been a Bughead shipper forever, and it was great to draw them again!

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I've been reading some interesting comments about being this dark, angsty couple and I've took it upon myself to draw this. Where the two just killed another murderer in Greendale and Jughead treats her to a milkshake after because she said she was thirsty.

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Inspired by 4×01. A bughead scene where I wished it were just the two of them, surrounded by the tiny lights of fireflies and the moon🌕🌕

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Bughead as Howl and Sophie of Howl's Moving Castle. Should there be more?

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Guess the song bughead edition🎤🎤

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Congrats to sportssistersadie07 fr insta, your request was chosen by panalegs27 (fr tumblr), who sponsored this art. We built on your SpiderJug-saving-Betty idea &it became SpiderJug+SpiderBetty (as SpiderGwen, so they’re both superheroes &there’s no damsel in distress!)

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Last week sketches, scrambling around the same idea ... Some of those were done on live on my twitch channel... 📌👺

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101 dalmatians inspired commission for ❤️☺️🍔

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That iconic comics bughead panel. Patreon commission for

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A little role reversal on this drawing I did way back in s1 😆

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Serpent King + Gryphon Queen Something a little different. Had a few hours the other day to really sit down and draw something a bit more complicated, the way my more “serious” ink drawings usually are haha. Colored this lineart afterwards in .

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