one last quote tweet-
✨finally finished✨


I think It should work now, I got the actual sprite sheet sent so uh-

👾It's not an actual mod but you should be able to put it in the fnf files i guess?-👾👾

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h i👁👁


I wanted to draw burt and sven but I had no idea how to draw them so i got this✨

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Another thing because ✨why not✨


✨Really just me and some Sven guy on discord-✨

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There, ✨n o r m a l✨


✨I didn't even notice thier shoes were touching-✨
👾normal drawing i swear, there is literally nothing wrong like usual👾

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✨Plushi svne✨
(different from ✨ploshie svne✨-)



and no plushi svne ISN'T sven but he got turned into a ✨marketable plushie✨, simply just a normal sven plushie, sven is fine and well-

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This is also just ("inspired"/)based off of (from) ✨discord✨


help sven is so short he looks like he's still a childd👾👾✨

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