Don't mind me sharing some of my 's~ lots of yellow 💛

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I can't choose tbh but these are the closest when mixed together. Too many characters and i can't decide properly but i can say i atleast have one or more same chacteristics as these characters


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Long hair and fem kaisen ‼️‼️😻😫💓💞💕

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Another chacter design out of a random pose

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I saw the new Space Jam and thought it was okay, Love the animation though. I wanted to draw chacter Velvie! She was an inspiration to me and love how to does voice for her characters like I try to do too!
*Muwah* GN Everybody

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I had a bit of an artistic block and decided to do something different ♥

"Zow is a super serious miqo'te and cherry is the most loving and sweet person" ♥

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Lately I took a break from the two main projects I'm working on and started drawing old ideas that were never realized.

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July's Chacter Poll
Just in case! Reminder for this month's poll

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Yes, I made a D&D character. Yes, I have absolutely no idea how to play the game. YES , I DO WANNA PLAY THE GAME JUST TO ROLEPLAY AS MY CHACTER, AND INTERACT WITH OTHER PEOLES CHARACTERS.

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Gunvor is such a sweet little muffin...l just kidding 😋
I also got the month wrong in the signature but I'm too lazy to fix it.

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