finally finished Gen 2 color palettes so i can post them~ First up Shuckle

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Recently I've been into drawing these sort of doodles, and this one I did with a colour palette challenge! Really liked how it turned out

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Day 22: Guidance
This one is just real sweet. Just two more and then the challenge is over!

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Day 21: Constant Rambling
Wow these color were hard. This one is probably the hardest palette so far. I love his ears and hair tho. What a cutie

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Day 18: Damned if I do
I really like this character. They look so cute and magical!

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Day 17: Without a heart
Here’s another picture finally. Enjoy!

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Day14:Castle in the sky
Castle in the sky is my favorite Ghibli movie so I was excited to work on this one. There’s a lot of braids and spinning in the movie so I did stuff with that

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Day 13: Pumpkaboo
This one was fun to make. Where I live it’s snowy right now, so bundling up with some hot choco sounds so great

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Day 12: Cherry Soda
Not as happy with this one as my others but it’s still alright. I like her soda fuzz hair tho!

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Day 10: Omniferous
Another plant themed person! I really like the color in this one they’re so soothing. I know I missed a day, I’ve been busy finishing up classes and finals.

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Day 7: what I gain I lose
Sorry this one is a day late. Got busy again. This one is one of my favorites. —-

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Day 4: Subtle Melancholy
This one was fun to make. I really like these colors. I know this one is a day late, I just got really busy yesterday. So I’ll post another in an hour or two!

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Day 3: Conversation Hearts
This one is really cute too. I really like this palette. Took awhile to get everything looking nice tho.

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