aragorn and legolas but theyre just tired camp counselors

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Ki-ki-ki... ma-ma-ma. Happy Friday the 13th, fellow counselors! Here's a look at some of the Voorhees-inspired Final Girls artwork I've painted over the last little while. Beware... THEY'VE GOT A DEATH CURSE!

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BAM! Ta-DA! My Counselor Sona! Because lord know's I could use a job and camp counselors all I could get (...tbh I can't even get that irl). I have to admit I had some great camp years growing up too but I'm no nut like Davie 🌲👌Check it

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Attn Counselors! The CSJ newsletter editors are seeking articles, suggestions, etc for an upcoming special topic issue re: in counseling! Submit work or questions to Feel free to give feedback on our social media pages.

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OC height chart I recently finished of the camp counselors from my monster summer camp story! Left to right: Nathan (vampire), Kara (human), Mike (troll), Sam (werewolf), Misty (witch), Reese (merman), and Toby (gremlin).

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Dream Counselors: A Counselor Dating Simulator
Now I have to add bgs and everything but I'm gonna procrastinate a little more b4 that hA H

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