There are necromantic secrets of the Faction of Flesh that you can only find by creating life yourself.


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The Conclave of Shadows changes tactics nearly as frequently as they change their visage.


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The Underworld sits on the precipice of a war... and with war comes change. If you cannot change with the world, then allow ME to change you.

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Leaders do not command by force, but by example.

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A city is nothing without its leaders, and a leader is nothing without their plan. Only through diligent dedication to the practices of Osteomancy can we build the foundation for the Alltaker’s rebellion.

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Rest now, mortal. For soon, another battle begins..

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Ha ha! Battle! And battle with the ultimate reward… FREEDOM!

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Mortal souls are but embers in the all-consuming flame of the Celestial War.


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Longgrief sings songs of great power to inspire mourners and help a long lost friend.

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Etherea bends to my will, and with it, I breathe life into The Underworld.

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The hunger... The cravings... I must partake of this ecstasy, I cannot bear the wait any longer!

​Full video:


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Heaven’s great hallways and Hell’s grimy hovels are both mortal torture.

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As a sword needs only one point to kill, I need only one reason to use it: corruption.

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If you refuse to see me as more than a brute, then allow me to play the role.

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If a caged bird sings, and a battle cries, what does a rebellion do? Well, dear mourner, we BELLOW!

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Heaven and Hell see eye to eye on one thing alone: the other must end.

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