I've seen the play and was inspired to draw him.

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Cyrano de Bergerac; it has been attempted and was shit (Sierra Burgess) I need to take over. Also when I started out as a comics author and I did a female-centric Big Bang Theory called « Geek & Girly »

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とりあえず新刊のCyranoスケッチの書影。絵はほぼ描けてるけどレイアウトやら何やらこれからですw w

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they say her body was distorded by the mourning, but the cyran soldiers who died by her side know she’s always been this way; hunched, emaciated, and a face akin to a crimson porcelain mask

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Qui était le véritable Cyrano de Bergerac ? Rimeur, bretteur, musicien, et voyageur aérien, grand risposteur du tac au tac ? Sur , rencontre avec le vrai Cyrano, celui du XVIIe siècle

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En traînant sur l'internet, je viens de découvrir cette illustration d'une artiste nommée Louise Novembre (elle ne semble pas être sur les réseaux) représentant Cyrano de Bergerac.

Et je trouve ça très beau 🔥

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Presenting Prince Cyran and Princess Silvana Aear Lug. Two more characters you'll meet in the Elf Prince series.

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An unexpected fight! all the hero's agenst a corrupted guardian! Pent, Jr, Tri, and Cyran VS Shatter!
(I work like 3 hours on this, my brain hurts now ;-;)

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Here’s a montage of my Cyrano art from last month if you were interested in seeing more!

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ジェイミー・ロイド演出×ジェームズ・マカヴォイ舞台「Cyrano de Bergerac」2019年11月27日(水)-2020年2月29日(土)UKプレイハウス劇場にて。…2013年「Macbeth」&2015年「The Ruling Class」に続く3度目のタッグ!!!

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- Cyrano de Bergerac
- Le comte de Monte-Cristo
- La Terre chinoise

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😊 She is my smile 💙 เนื่องในโอกาสวันเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา พระบรมราชินีนาถ พระบรมราชชนนีพันปีหลวง ๑๒ ส.ค.๖๒ 💙 ขอพระองค์ทรงพระเจริญยิ่งยืนนาน 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Since today's posted art isn't finished I guess we're going with an old piece that I never actually publicly posted for now. Meet Cyran Aine! He's a total dick and I love him.

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character concept sketches!

Cyrano the Zoroark, a performer who collects junk and mice

Isadora the Teddiursa, a doctor with narcolepsy who's just a big sass

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Simone Massoni, Cyrano de Bergerac.

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クリスチャン ド ヌーヴィレット


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