The Lord Master of Racist Trolls has no problem motivating his bigoted base to violence. Cowards see, cowards do.

20 43

New Zealand’s Parliament just voted 119-1 to ban all assault rifles. But who needs bravery and legislative action when we’ve got thoughts and prayers? See ya at the next massacre!

25 77

Day 807: In which a (tiny) handpicked coverup crony is as transparent as a Trump tax return.

48 78

Day 801: More Mensa missives from the Stable Genius who brought you Nambia, eating pizza with a fork, and Eric Trump.

22 63

Day 800: In which chainsaw sculpture Van Morrison really sticks to all of the Mexicos.

18 58

Feeling that us taxpayers are footing the bill for yet another weekend at one of the Bronze Bigot’s tacky resorts because stoking a white nationalist emergency takes a lot out of you.

36 68

Day 788: Punch low, punch often, and only at what can’t punch back.

31 75

Day 780: No one needed a decade-old tape to prove that Fucker Swastikarlson is a bigoted shit goblin with a 4chan incel teen’s vocabulary for women but there it is.

18 73

Day 776: Meanwhile we’re all Trapped In Trump’s Closet with more skeletons than Arlington.

8 30

Day 772: In which everyone’s least favorite Civil War daguerreotype bends himself into a Nunes Pretzel because spines are libtard cuckhoax.

18 48

Someone in Hanoi will be all 👀👀👀 on this today . . .

15 26

Day 764: I don’t really care, do u?

19 37

Day 761: In which a Rogering Stone gathers no pity.

29 93

Day 756: At least we can all sleep soundly knowing our Dear Leader will get us through this dire emergency with all the rigor he applied to those dastardly bone spurs.

75 184

Day 755: In which a Nationalist Embarrassment declares a National Emergency but he could have gone either way, no biggie, believe me.

24 64

Hey all, another reminder that my book “The Daily Don: All The News That Fits Into Tiny, Tiny Hands” comes out April 2nd everywhere books are sold in stores and online. Available for preorder now! Still working on book tour stuff, stay tuned for details. . .

16 47

of last year’s State of the Union drawing and a glimpse behind the scenes at some very presidential speechwriting, believe me, everyone says so.

14 43

Day 743: When your government gives you about as much credit as US banks give Deadbeat Don.

30 63