Я просто не могу не продолжить ее рисовать, ‘cause she’s soooo pretty 🎃

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Drawlloween 14: Sea Monster

Have you ever seen a hot pink cecaelia under the sea before, boys?

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Drawlloween 12: Bats

It's about time Crackle transforms into a bat and fly off into the night sky with his two bat children.

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Day fourteen of Drawlloween 2019! Today's theme is, "Rick Troll'd" and of course I had to draw a troll version of Rick Astley.

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The jaws snapped shut. Lights and music died. All was still.
I stood in the spotlight of the moon cast through a central window.
An offering was brought to me. A familiar scent of spice.
The stone in my hand transformed into a knife as I prepared to cut into it.

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Day thirteen of Drawlloween 2019! Todays theme is, "A Mug Of Hot Apple Spider"

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