Elya on the left and Ducanaëlle on the right 💙❤️

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My hard drive died the last back up I had was from March so I lost the layers to this drawing so for now
WIP of my Warden Dirthna

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a mae natureza educando o bozonaro

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. / Teddy Ducan 👧🏼(Good Luck, Charlie!)

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Sigo con mis notas visuales mientras leo "Modos de ver", de John Berger. Esta vez ha tocado garabatear un detalle de "Vanidad", de Hans Memling (1485). La mujer como objeto visual en el arte. Educando la mirada.

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I was cleaning and organizing my room and I found this picture of my warden Nataly Brosca meeting her idol Sorsha Aducan (by the lovely ). Her art is amazing and she herself is amazing. I just love her lady Aeducan.

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my warden olesi aeducan by !!!!!!

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I'm replaying Dragon Age: Origins and *OH BOY* that Gorim romance really sucker punches you, doesn't it? Here's my Lady Aeducan looking bomb dot com for her knight in shining armor ♥

Patreon: https://t.co/KAf6ZXKH0T
Ko-Fi: https://t.co/WHXkyex688
Tumblr: https://t.co/EgZT2dY395

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What about the that follows after Warden Aeducan and preceded Inquisitor Cadash? Well...
At least it all worked out in the end...? (THANKFULLY!)

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Nos petits citoyens s’interrogent sur les bouleversements que rencontre leur amie Lana, atteinte d’un Comment vit-elle sa nouvelle vie ? Quels sont les changements dans son quotidien ? Comment la soutenir ? https://t.co/TCGJHjGhKc

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Cette semaine, à l’occasion de la notre Hebdo ausculte cette maladie. Une journée de solidarité importante qui permettra d’aborder le sujet avec les enfants de 7 à 11 ans >> https://t.co/Vzjce6jIr3

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replaying dao with an aeducan >:^3c

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“Was…was that too soon?”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I don't remember, have I posted the full version of this oldie?

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Не забудьте почитать на ночь!
Иллюстрация: Maria Surducan

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My favorite thing about is that it promotes friendship and teamwork through punching the beaks off those evil Ducan jerkbags.

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Estas imágenes son del mes del orgullo del año pasado... Imagenes que no caducan, un buen mensaje.

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