María Calcaño, terriblemente poeta. De su libro Alas fatales, Andrés Eloy Blanco, escribió, “Se abre el libro, y se enciende como yesquero (...) queda uno chamuscado". Visita:

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5 6

Did Eloy take it too far? Or did Dagon just not want to be Jasmine?

8 61

I only just recently started watching watching teamfourstar's campaign. I'm hoping nothing bad happens to Eloy while I'm following with the story. I love your character Ben. He's adorkable. you guys are a riot.

10 73

I decided to draw Nedra and Eloy! I might draw some more characters, I've been really enjoying this campaign . :D

12 88

Eloy the asinine centaur/bard/good boy/ghostbuster/team carrier in 3D. Gonna make some improvements on Wake and Ezra before dumping all 3 on Sketchfab.

4 53

I said I would do it and I meant it! Eloy mimicking Dean McCoppin's famous shot from The Iron Giant... now expect one with Iron Giant Nedra saying "I am Omega Maiden".

4 45

jour 24 !
Qualia under the snow de Kii Kanna (trad. Isabelle Eloy),
Un manga tout doux sur deux garçons aux personnalités diamétralement opposées qui trouvent lentement un terrain d'entente à mesure qu'ils en apprennent sur l'autre.

3 23

Ezra rolling his eyes at Eloy. Inspired by a scene in Ch. 3 Ep. 1. Text is copy & paste of ep. summary.

5 59

eloy's parents at least what i think they look like, i might make this into a series i made eloy's mom a cleric

2 42

Decided to make pokemon styled sprites of Eloy, Wake, and Ezra. Wake was a pain to do and I'm still iffy about it, and the same with Ezra's hair.

3 37

Artist's OC Pixelart, Pack 1. Including:

Huey from
Hikaze from
Eloy from

I hope you like it.

40 283

I love how Grammy fell for the dog Eloy gave her. (Does it have a name yet? :p )

10 74

Finally had a chance to get back to Eloy's model. Here's an updated wip turntable.

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Now I know I can't be the only one to have had this mental image the second Eloy pulled out his grappling hook...

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