emeto / vomit //
shoves a hand in his mouth rn

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⚠️ Emetophobia warning ⚠️
you know magic butterflies from Mother 3/ Earthbound?
Love sick

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Emeto warning?? Kind of?? Just in case

I was looking for something on my laptop and found a bunch of old doodles of an oc of mine that I'm digging the colors on

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crow summer update!!!!! it's got smoke and fire, my two favorite things to draw. tw: emetophobia https://t.co/G3C5tpZPew

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Æ brbrrbpthth

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Demetori - 信仰は儚き人間の為に ~ Jehovah's YaHVeH / Il Mondo dove e finito il Tempo

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//Emetophobia, out of context
Out goes the injected venom!

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Some awkward "never puked around other people and doesn't know what to expect" Shig emeto that suddenly turned into soft family support~

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Today's was sick! so have someone realizing they are sick with something very.. very.... wrong.
if you wish to support me, please, follow the links in the linktree to do so : D

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Shop: https://t.co/M2iuwrgzVT ❣️❣️
(⚠️TW mild emetophobia, cartoon blood, and scars in these drawings⚠️)

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