画質 高画質

✨Convergent Future✨

I really like the way convergent future is described in fics, with Essek reaching out and grabbing the threads of time and pulling another timeline into reality, so I drew it! : D
ft. my silly Essek design

12 57

Good Morning Everyone. I hope you have a great hump day.

Here is something to brighten your day. I did a comparison between my prompting abilities and /describe. I like my prompt because it’s shorter and I like my image better as well.

I can’t wait to see what you create.… https://t.co/OwO814gfkD

21 187

MJの/describe で私の手描きの作品を見せてプロンプトを作ってもらいました。

2 17

geeking so hard rn the rabbit in saradas jacket described her so well as an intelligent leader and so is mitsuki with his iconic snake 🥹🫶 very cool design decision! https://t.co/yJa0667Bpf

12 57

Describe たのしい
1枚目 桜を撮ったはずがめっちゃ失敗した写真
2-4枚目 1枚目をDescribe したpromptから出た絵

1 3

without downloading any new pictures describe your gender in one image https://t.co/CRlj7VlsHm

0 6


結果その4。一番キレイに作ってくれたやつ?by niji5

1 17

Nijijourney Describe機能の威力

←使用前 使用後→

0 13

Without downloading any new pictures, describe your gender in one image.

(i actually made this myself like 2 years ago) https://t.co/eirpNwgcxg

1 2

引用の画像をmidjourneyで/describeして、出てきたpromptを niji5に突っ込んだ結果。


0 10

without downloading any new images, describe your gender in one image https://t.co/QMX0WtmFDg

1 3

thank you enjoying these goofballs, its fun drawing them and hope yall are havin fun too! thank you for support and comments and love! imma use a meme my friend sent me to describe them XD ahah

19 118

I ENCOUNTERED A {Hidden Luigi} ON MY WALK {2}DAY ! {Lick and describe} IF YOU LOVE {retros} EASTER EGG !

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2 9

I decided to be official and make a VTubie page!!


Pin 4335

Is there anything you think I should add to flesh it out? I'm really bad at trying to describe the experience from a community members perspective 😭💚

2 27

Also fun:

using "/describe" to get a prompt & then running it with "--niji 5"

0 22

without downloading any new pictures, describe your gender in one image. https://t.co/Ugjej9cnS7

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It is difficult to describe something like holding a cane, but what is the difference between when this is done well and when it is not?

1 12