Wanted to get one pic done of these two before was over, so here's my lesbirds, Tryss and Artie

13 75

day 28 - Tataru x Krile

Champagne and strawberry dresses are what they deserve <3
This is the last day btw!! I can't believe I did another month long drawing challenge, thanks everyone for the support along the way!

27 47

Femslash February Day 28: End+Begin

Everything ends here. And also, everything begins here.

Endgame leads to new beginning.

For two worlds.

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well, WE DID IT FOLKS!! that's a wrap on femslashfeb2021, also really digging how it very neatly fits into 4 rows like a chocolate block. anyway, thank you for joining me on this journey this year!! here's the recap!💕

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femslashfeb day 28: game! ☆

471 2051

Femslash February Day 27: Camping

The girls decide to re-visit the spot where they searched for Prism Hopeish (and the bears), along with camping for real.

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Day 11 // Flame
it’s been a whole year since my sword wives dtiys so here’s this anniversary piece ⚔️🔥

50 230

femslashfeb day 26: strength! ☆

244 1126

- 25/28 - "Scars"

(Bit of a self-care piece - I often worry that if/when I get top surgery that no woman is ever going to find me attractive again. Gotta remind myself that it's not true❤️)

45 422