
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Japanese Name: ウチコマ
Scientific Name: ?
Romanised Name: Uchikoma
Diet: Unknown
Conservation Status: Unidentified Mysterious Animal

5 27

Marbled Cat

Scientific Name: Pardofelis marmorata
Distribution: Southeast Asia
Romanised Name: Māburu kyatto
Japanese Name: マーブルキャット
Diet: Carnivore
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown

7 15

officially within that game's lifespan. She was supposed to be an extra boss, but the timespan we had to develop the game was too short to bring her to life. Nevertheless, I actually had drawn these portraits for the game, but Fausta's went unused for a long time before AoUK (+)

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Pale-throated Sloth

Japanese Name: ミユビナマケモノ
Scientific Name: Bradypus tridactylus
Also known as: Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth
Diet: Herbivore
Distribution: South America
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20 Years

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Atlantic Puffin

Diet: Carnivore
Romanised Name: Nishi Tsunome Dori
Distribution: Northern Atlantic Ocean
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Scientific Name: Fratercula arctica
Also known as: Common Puffin
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20 years
Japanese Name: ニシツノメドリ

5 11

Marvellous Spatuletail

Romanised Name: Onagarakettohachidori
Distribution: Unknown
Japanese Name: オナガラケットハチドリ
Conservation Status: Endangered
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Loddigesia mirabilis
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown

8 22

every time someone calls him a "villain" or "evil" or "annoying" or says they hate him i lose several years off my lifespan https://t.co/jSltyZkBUI

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i've been holding off on streaming this month due to a variety of factors... including my computer being at the end of its lifespan. 🥹 i hope to get at least one stream this week so i can continue my streaming streak! 💕

0 5

Common Cuckoo

Romanised Name: Kakkō
Scientific Name: Cuculus canorus
Distribution: Europe, Asia, Africa
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: カッコウ
Diet: Unknown

6 10

Green Pheasant

Diet: Omnivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: キジ
Romanised Name: Kiji
Also known as: Japanese green pheasant
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Distribution: Japan
Scientific Name: Phasianus versicolor

7 14

Masked Booby

Diet: Piscivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: アオツラカツオドリ
Scientific Name: Sula dactylatra
Distribution: Worldwide
Romanised Name: Aotsura Katsuodori
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15-20 Years

11 25

"Others call a void a safespace, calm room or even home. Why does she call it a reminder of past events? Does it not suit her needs?. . . This void feels more like a shallow pool. Why?" (from 's endless dreaming au! this is a bit rushed, sorry </3)

4 20

Ringed Seal

Distribution: Arctic Ocean
Scientific Name: Pusa hispida
Japanese Name: ワモンアザラシ
Romanised Name: Wamon'azarashi
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15 to 20 years
Diet: Piscivore

8 26


Scientific Name: Canis lupus dingo
Romanised Name: Dingo
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Distribution: Australia
Japanese Name: ディンゴ
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10 years
Diet: Carnivore

10 20


Romanised Name: Emyū
Distribution: Australia
Scientific Name: Dromaius novaehollandiae
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: エミュー
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10-12 years

6 10

they really restored a few years of my lifespan last night uh

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Last night's or more like this morning's illustration 💙🙈
I truly wasted 5y of my lifespan for this BUT IT TURNED OUT CUTE SO I'M HAPPY ;U;💕

4 27

Jungle Crow

Also known as: Large-billed crow
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Corvus macrorhynchos
Distribution: Asia
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Japanese Name: ハシブトガラス
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Hashibutogarasu

7 18

Swallow My Bullet 3
Characters in this story have the same lifespan as their real world animal counterparts. This will be mentioned in the comic, but I'll say it here.

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Sika Deer

Romanised Name: Nihon Jika
Distribution: East Asia
Diet: Unknown
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Also known as: Spotted Deer, Japanese Deer
Japanese Name: ニホンジカ
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Scientific Name: Cervus nippon

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