But seriously though, happy and for some, Hearts and Hooves? Love you! <3

2 4

Hi everypony, I hope you're all having a great Have some Fluttershy :D

2 0

This one's pretty good! :3 I like a lot~ XD

4 4

Get ready for some Fluttershy spam and hnnnngggg.... Happy you cute little ! X3

3 8

One more picture! For any February babies too! ^^ Love you ! <3 :) xx

2 4

This picture is super detailed and awesome. c: I like it. Happy every ! X3

4 5

3 interactions for a pic? Please, every :3

3 3

Have a Happy everypony! Have a DJ Fluttershy pic.

1 1

One more picture, every ! Happy Love you all~ <3

3 4

I have to go to school now. Bye, every ! Happy ^^

2 10

One more picture. Are you happy now? Now that I'm starting to use pony days.

3 7

Oh, um.... happy too, every ! <3

2 5

Happy everypony! "Keep Calm and Flutter On" tomorrow, I'm so excited!!! :D

1 1

Oh yeah, and happy every Have a Fluttershy.(dat watermark)

1 2

Today is the last of 2012! I'm going to watch a episode later to celebrate, yay!

1 1

Fluttershy looks gorgeous! ^^ Happy :)

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