Hello happy to say our website is back up now (thanks for their fab work!) https://t.co/p6VL5VVaMT (Art and Strider Syd)

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Hello Hard to imagine Midsummer on this chilly eve, but I'm already preparing for this gorgeous event at Bungay's historic on May 10th - I'll be painting LIVE illustrations for Shakespeare's stories - you can even buy the art! https://t.co/C9JLAyknGA

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Also thanks to Piyper for our thumbnail, you can get your own pic like that as part of our $5 a month https://t.co/CH9ld5E3o8 (Left to right as Black Widow, , and in foxy form!)

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Ooh quick thing, watching tomorrow, here's a preview of our review thumbnail ( as Black Widow) https://t.co/p6VL5VVaMT (Art by Piyper)

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Looking forward to celebrations on the 18 May come join us for fantastic from & , hear about & our project too!

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It's awesome to have friends that can genuinely be really sometimes... Esp when manage to me out! moving like something out of Ringu/ The Grudge/  horror movies is something I will never forget! https://t.co/tDlCBNC3Cy

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Had you thought about buying cards still but from a local artist. We small business artists rely on the small sales as much as the big, I'm happy to offer cards not wrapped in plastic, just ask, we an accommodating bunch!

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got to of course have cheese and crackers at too.

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Hello everyone this has just arrived from local artist, Memories of Christmas Fayre

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Evening all at how are you all this blustery day? Anyone free to visit my studio on Sunday? Come to see where I work, what I do and help me support the wonderful as 10% of sales go to the lots of bargains on my and gifts too

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Suffering jet lag after my study tour in Japan!!!! Great experience, ....but boy , ....sure feeling the strain this week!!!😂😂😂#norfolkhour

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Want something spooky or just straight up horrible to read for Here are my comics currently available on :
graphic novel LORD: https://t.co/UvRvSCFBZ0
one shot Invoked: https://t.co/UvRvSCFBZ0

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A few of my previous projects for local companies

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