Today's a "Big" birthday for

I'm pausing the Alphabet full of Illustrators...with a single image from as many Illustrators as I've had birthdays...over two days...been around for a bit!...29 Jesse Marion King

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Today's a "Big" birthday for

I'm pausing the Alphabet full of Illustrators...with a single image from as many Illustrators as I've had birthdays...over two days...been around for a bit!...27 A E Jackson

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That's enough Birthday illustrators for one day...Back tomorrow to bring me up to date! More years....and Illustrators... to get me to the "Big" number... sometime...eventually...tomorrow!

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...T is For Jiri Trnka, a Czech Illustrator of children's books who was also a celebrated animator and film director...These from Grimm's Tales

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...T is For Jiri Trnka, a Czech Illustrator of children's books who was also a celebrated animator and film director...These from Hans Christian Andersen Tales

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...T is For Jiri Trnka, a Czech Illustrator of children's books who was also a celebrated animator and film director...These from Hans Christian Andersen Tales

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...T is For Jiri Trnka, a Czech Illustrator of children's books who was also a celebrated animator and film director...These from "Fireflies"

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...T is For Jiri Trnka, a Czech Illustrator of children's books who also a celebrated animator and film director...These from "Fireflies"

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...R is For...E Dorothy Rees, an English Illustrator of children's books & painting, tracing & cut out books for children...#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...R is For...E Dorothy Rees, an English Illustrator of children's books & painting, tracing & cut out books for children...#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...Q is For...Rose Le Quesne, an English Illustrator active around the start of the 20th Century....and there was me thinking there were no more Q's left to find!......#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...Q is For...Rose Le Quesne, an English Illustrator active around the start of the 20th Century....and there was me thinking there were no more Q's left to find!......#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...P is For...Alice Bolam Preston, an American Illustrator with a particular affinity for Fairy illustrations she also created illustrations and Covers for Vogue & House Beautiful....#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...O is For...Sybille von Olfers, a German Art teacher and Nun she also worked as an Illustrator of Children's books, with "The Root Children" her most famous work....#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...O is For...Sybille von Olfers, a German Art teacher and Nun she also worked as an Illustrator of Children's books, with "The Root Children" her most famous work....#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...O is For...Sybille von Olfers, a German Art teacher and Nun she also worked as an Illustrator of Children's books, with "The Root Children" her most famous work....#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...O is For...Sybille von Olfers, a German Art teacher and Nun she also worked as an Illustrator of Children's books, with "The Root Children" her most famous work....#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...M is For...Thomas Mackenzie, an English Illustrator active in the early 20th Century...his most famous works being editions of the Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp & King Arthur & His Knights...#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...K is For...Maria Louise Kirk a US Illustrator active around the turn of the 20th Century her most famous work is her Alice In Wonderland from 1904, but she completed a host of other books...#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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An Alphabet full of Illustrators...K is For...Maria Louise Kirk a US Illustrator active around the turn of the 20th Century her most famous work is her Alice In Wonderland from 1904, but she completed a host of other books...#ForgottenChildrensBooks

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