you ever kissahomie but your boobs are literal airbags separating you from docking boobas. it's rough out there.

🎨: @/fmyufmyuuun, thank you so much!!

51 579

about levi: "a righteous blade that gleams brilliantly with the moon"
sometimes fussy and particular about cleanliness, sometimes unsociable.
but he will forever be devoted to the wishes entrusted to him, and the vow he made.

77 298

fussy eater and if your forced by the powers of darkness to have a difficult or picky guest tell them everything is chicken. For some unknown reason people seem to go along with that.
Now over to Ash who can tell us how to season and watch wilderness vegetables to garnish

5 10

Sir James found his matriculation too fussy and re-matriculated in 1869 with a simpler coat.

2 17

-Come on Brandon, don't be fussy daddy will be back soon and will tell you a bedtime story - Brandon's babysitter said
-NOO! I WANT DADDY AND I WANT HIM NOW! - Brandon said throwing a tantrum, this afternoon would be very long

1 8

Garfield putting his whole garfussy out for this Valentine's.

1 3

This is one of the varieties of Granny Smith apples. Lives on an apple farm. A little shy and fussy pony. Adopt is for sale. (PayPal)
AB-25$ (I will make cutiemark for you and I can change the palette)

1 7

I see... these are rather fussy aren't they. (Idon'twanttoadmitthatthey'rereallywellmadeandprobablyreallytastybecausethisisAzemafterall).

Did you... make these yourself?

0 2

Episode 2 will be releasing publicly sometime this month, but I don't wanna give any specific date since video exporting/uploading/sharing can be so fussy.
But, rest assured, it's coming!

7 52

A Little Fussy - Am I talking about myself??? I wonder what I was thinking when I came up with the title? . I love the background colours in this. Purely experimental. I let the watercolours do what they wanted.

0 16

this is a bad experience I've had, a very fussy client asked for many revisions at a very cheap price, while from the start he didn't provide enough references, and his revision requests were out of control so I gave up and decided to be done by a replacement artist,

1 15

Something I like about old anime is how little fricks they give about fussy worldbuilding over just telling a story. Like yeah, its a steam train that travels through space so people can become cyborgs, deal with it.

0 1

Master Edmond’s always so fussy about his appearance. He makes sure to keep up the chivalric and honorable air befitting of a knight of the Klein Kingdom at all times. But how about when his essence starts surging, sending his desires out of control?

112 1204

gazelle please make this cool ass accessible ebike you make with an option to have rollerbrakes or even hydraulic rim brakes. disc brakes are just so fussy.

1 20

OMG FINALLY! Finally, today is my day to rest and chill.
She's very fussy, god. smh
At least, this work finally came out and is ready to upload.
I really hope you enjoy this:

2 7

Fussy kittyboy? That's the cutest! And I'll just make sure to give you even thicker diapers for fussing~

0 5

Did you know?

Scratch IS The Ghost and Molly McGee. He is a fussy, short-tempered, but funny ghost who is one of Molly's best friends. THE SHOW draws heavy inspiration from "Ghostbusters: ...

1 5

Just gotta make sure you do the fussy baby dance when you say it

“I dun wanna!”

0 2

yall I put my whole muffussy in this do not air me

3 5