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Favorite Regional Varients) Galarian Zigzagoon especially Shiny and Paldean Wooper

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6. Favorite Regional Variant
Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash are so pretty 🥺

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6. Favorite regional variant

Galarian Zigzagoon and its whole line absolutely stole my heart, I’m love them

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how did i just now find out that slowking has a galarian form. i have never seen this motherfucker in my entire life.

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5: Favorite Mega is Charizard X, fav Dynamax is Galarian Weezing and fav Gigantamax has to be Inteleon cuz he's just a sniper LMFAO

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6. Favorite Regional form

I love Galarian Slowbro. The colors are really good, and "Slowpoke with a gun" is VERY funny. I'd never used a Slowpoke in my party even though they're in so many games, but I used the one they gave out as a promotion for the DLC in my Sword run!

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6. Favorite Regional Variant: Galarian Zapdos or Hisuian Zoroark

It's a hard toss up between these two.

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Regional form Megas is such a cool idea and to the person on TikTok who recommended this idea, you’ve been GOATED🫡

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4) Articuno (galarian)
5) Mega lucario
6) I do like alolan forms, but alolan raichu takes the cake
7) Rowlet..just look at him, hes just a little dude

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Regional Variant is tricky because I don’t really use many of them.
I’d say my favourite is a tie between Alolan Muk, and Galarian Zapdos.

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I picked a mythical for my favorite legendary. 😅 So here’s a proper legendary pick! I really love all the Galarian versions of the original birds but Zapdos is definitely my favorite of the bunch.

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6. favorite regional variant
THE MEOWTHS AND THEIR EVOS, hisuian zoroark (i have a shiny alpha of it), alolan raichu, and galarian ponyta. regional variants are so cool, its a feature that i love so much

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6) Favorite Regional Variant: Probably Galarian Ponyta-- the only thing I regret about not getting Sword/Shield. It's so fluffy!!!

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6: Favorite Regional Variant: Galarian Zapdos, or Toedscruel (Since Toedscruel is TECHNICALLY it's own pokemon, but based on Tentacruel)

both of these are very good boys.....

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Last of fine, is Tori. He has a full team including Audino (Mega), Blissey, Skitty, Rapidash (Galarian) and Stoutland who is named King of course. Tori wants to compete against the Elite 4 some day and has big dreams of winning championships. He still has a lot to learn-

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Favorite regional variant: Galarian Zapdos!! 🤩

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Favourite Regional Variant: Can I say Galarian Farfetch'd because it gave us Sirfetch'd?
Because I'm saying that.

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6 - Variante regional favorita:

Botou o Dodrio pra mamar, Galarian Zapdos

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6) Thia is actually really tough cause there’s a lot of them I like. My is Alolan Ninetales but Alolan Sandslash, Galarian Darmanitan and Galarian Corsola all make it into my favs

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