[Day 9] Pressure/Tennis/Albedo🧪
*Albedo testing his gift for Klee’s Birthday*
I really liked the Golden Apple Archipelago and also Kaboomball Kombat event. 🥺 Hopefully we will get similar content in the future patches✨🦋

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Day 9: Best dressed chara~~ ofc is
also is his birthday today! what a coincidence : )

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Day 4: Character you want to slap
I would fall for you if only you didn't constantly ruin my pity, my good sir. Drawn and colored from memory because sometimes seeing him hurts.

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- Chara you wanna slap
I love him but at the same time...😂🐳

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Day 3: first main
shhh i know im late im sorry XD
This is my queen Beidou. I got her final constellation recently <3

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Day 1

K: "Just dress as whatever that you think can makes me cry"
B: "Okay kid"

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